These days, mail order business is on the tip of everyone’s tongues. They’re either debating their veracity, defending their validity or getting rich from them.

Mail order business is also known as direct-mail marketing. It’s a method of merchandising that makes use of a catalog or circular which is mailed in mass. This can be done via a magazine or newspaper. The buyer then makes an order by mail.
The Millionaire Mail Order business is one of the longest standing mail order businesses to date.
While others fizzle out before they even gain traction, The Millionaire has been going strong for seven years. It’s also one of the fastest growing mail order businesses. Thousands of affiliates around the globe have shared success stories with Millionaire Mailer. The Millionaire Mailer is unique in that it offers weekly conference calls providing support, advice, and mentorship to all affiliates.

How it Works

When you sign up, your name goes to Position #1. Every person who joins from your flyer will receive their flyer with your name, and address in Position #2 then Position #3 these are your Permanent Pay Positions. You will always have these positions on flyers of the members you and your team personally sponsored, you will remain on tier 2 and tier 3 and rotate “through infinity forever” on every flyer of your down line members. This Is Awesome!

How To Get Started


Choose Your Entry Level: $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000
Download Your Flyer Below and Print 4 Copies
Mail the Amount of Your Chosen Level to Each Position Listed


What You Get

Upon confirmation you will receive A Marketing Kit with your own Camera Ready Copy of this Flyer with Your Name in Position #1.Added Bonuses: Our ALL EXCLUSIVE GUIDE, “THE MAIL REPORT” learn “HOW TO MAKE 1000's WEEKLY WITH MAIL ORDER.” You'll also receive a Top Of The Line Mailing List Directory, Complete Instructions, and our preferred Turn Key Print & Mail Services. You also receive 30 Fresh & Responsive Buyer Leads on Peel and Stick Labels.

Listen to our 24/7 conference call
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